What are the best websites which provides free and Premium online courses(MOOC)?

There are numerous websites in the giant reservoirs of world wide web which provides online courses ,among those some websites are free and some comes with premium. All the sites have different specialization and it's fully depends on what your specific needs are and why do you think you want to take this courses? In which field you are interested in and How this particular course will be suited for your career?

So, here are the list of some famous online course websites-

Coursera | Udemy | Open2Study |Saylor | Ecoursem | Alison | Udacity  | Edx |

NovoEd | iVersity | Futurelearn | 

This site provides the top rated courses by  the experts of prestigious universities across the globe like Illinois, Stanford, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Michigan Universities and so on. Here the candidates have to pay a little amount for continuing a course.The important thing provided by coursera is that they provide a financial aid for the students who are keen interest in learning but financially weak.

EDx provides 400+ online MOOC courses from the world's best universities and is founded by Harvard University and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Udemy : 
Udemy is the leading MOOC courses provider in the world, currently it has provided 65,000+ courses with 20 million students worldwide and is founded in 2009 by Kevin Johnson.

Udacity provides MOOC courses along with nanodegrees with partnership with giant industry of Google, Facebook and others. In India, it's headquarter  in Bangalore. I think it is more beneficial for the students related to information technology.

The online learning platform Alison provides a wide range of different courses in the fields of IT, Language, Science, Health, Humanities, Math, Marketing, Lifestyle etc. It has more than 1.1 million learners across 195 countries over 1,000 courses. Here, the candidates have pay a little amount for verified certificate.

This learning platform focus on variety of topics i.e.free certificate courses, free audio books, free language courses, free downloadable courses, free self-paced course and others.The contents fall into some core categories—Self Development, Self Education, Health, Lifestyle, Relationship and Motivation and founded by Shawn Farabi.

Open2study is the association of the Open Australian Universities. This online platform provides online courses which is absolutely free. But the most important things is that candidates have to secure atleast 60% marks for earning a certificate for that they have to go through 4 assessments. All Candidates will receive a certificates only after the fully completion of the course for this the candidate have to devote 2 to 3 hours per weeks and the duration of maximum courses is about 4 weeks.

Saylor provides online courses free for people anywhere.They offer 100 full length courses at the college and University level according to the candidates own pace and fully in academic in level.

iVersity is a Berlin based online learning platform and their contents is designed for higher education. Here in iVersity, courses are free and open for everyone and it's very easy the candidates just enroll and participate.

NovoED is founded by Stanford University Professor Amin Saberi and PhD student Farnaz Ronaghi.This also provides a wide range of subjects courses of university program, professional education, corporate training etc. and it is a profit educational technology company.

                        If you have an enough time and also have a keen interest to expend the horizons of knowledge then you can take any courses. Remember, the only thing you put, is your interest and enthusiasms according to your own pace and thus the MOOC courses are based on the concept of 3A i.e. ANYONE, ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE.

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